6 easy steps to start dermaplaning

Dermaplaning is a type of exfoliation that can easily be done at home with just a few economical supplies.  The result? Glowing skin.

Using a small, single-blade razor, the face is gently shaved, which removes peach-fuzz-like hairs.  This process allows for more even make-up application, but more importantly, the top layer of dead skin cells is removed.  

Following a quick shave, skincare product absorption is increased!  Your products are not being wasted on the superficial layers of dead skin cells—they are able to penetrate to the newer skin below.  The skin instantly has a dewy appearance, and fine lines can even be less noticeable.  

Here are some easy steps to follow to get started:

  1. In the evening after removing all make-up and washing your face, use a toner with alpha-hydroxy acids (like glycolic, mandelic, or lactic acid) or salicylic acid We like products that combine them, like LaRoche-Posay’s Effaclar Clarifying Solution.

  2. Pull the skin taut and gently move the razor in an upward motion.  If you find the upward motion to be too irritating, you can start by using a downward motion.

  3. Repeat the process around all the areas of the face, chin, and upper neck, but pass over each area just once or twice.

  4. Reapply the toner, which may sting, but this step is vital to help minimize breakouts following dermaplaning. 

  5. All done!  Apply your remaining evening skincare regimen to your fresh, smooth skin and prepare to be amazed with the results!

  6. To avoid exposing your newly-glowing skin to bacteria, sleep on a clean pillowcase after dermaplaning.  

Start by dermaplaning once every two weeks and working your way up to once weekly.  

At Designer Drugs, we carry everything you need to start dermaplaning!


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