Can Cosmeceuticals Help Men?

When it comes to skincare, men have traditionally kept it pretty simple. These days, men are pursuing healthier and younger looking skin, and we’re all for it! Besides the fact that males tend to have thicker skin than females, the basic elements of skincare are the same for both sexes.

If you’re a man who is just getting started with skincare, it’s important to first understand what type of skin you have. For example: sensitive, oily, normal, dry, or combination. That way you are able to find products that meet your specific needs.

The term cosmeceutical probably sounds like it's marketed or made for women. And maybe it is. But skin is skin. We all are getting wrinkles as we get older. We all are getting hyper- and hypopigmentation and could all lighten, brighten, and even out our skin tone.

We considered men when we developed our packaging for our new line. We wanted to make it gender neutral so that anyone would feel comfortable purchasing and using our products. Ladies, buy it for your husband for Christmas and put it in their stocking! I guarantee that they'll like it if they use it, and you’ll notice the difference.

If you’re interested in a skincare consultation with a professional, give us a call! We’d be more than happy to schedule an appointment with one of our skincare experts and answer any questions you may have. Call us at 423-954-2585

Written by Tanya Manoni
Tanya Manoni is a Chattanooga-native but earned her BS in chemistry and PharmD at the University of Utah. She brings with her years of experience in compounding and pharmacy corporate management. Tanya's professional interests include not only BHRT, women’s health, and dermatology, but also nutrition and fitness, in which she became interested while playing NCAA Division I college soccer.


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