Top 3 Tips for Younger Looking Skin

Skin care is something we should all be interested in and it’s something I personally care about a lot.

I’m on the team here at Designer Drugs that’s been busy creating an entire cosmeceutical line for you! The line will include toners, serums, moisturizers, and eye creams. But aside from our own line, I believe there are three super important things to do for your skin so that each of us can age beautifully.

  1. Sunscreen
    I know, I know. You’re probably rolling your eyes because you're thinking to yourself, “Yes, I know this, this is everyone’s top tip.” But do it! And do it every day!

    It’s about consistency, as it takes only one burn to leave your precious skin with sun spots. Make it easy. Make it a part of your daily makeup routine. If you don’t wear makeup, make it a part of your morning routine - brush your teeth, put on sunscreen. Keep one of those topical sunscreen brushes in your car in case you forget to put it on that morning and you feel that sun hitting you. You can just swipe it on the go. Whatever you need to do.

    I’ve talked about the difference between sunscreen and sunblock. You can read more about that in my blog Sunblock vs. Sunscreen: What's the difference?

  2. Exfoliate
    Whether you do some type of chemical exfoliant, like a low grade chemical peel, tretinoin or retin A, or if you're going to do a daily glycolic acid toner, exfoliate so we can see the fresh, more youthful skin come through.  

  3. Vitamin C
    Vitamin C helps with hyperpigmentation and is a potent antioxidant. However, that’s not all! It also helps by blocking the sun's rays and changing them to cause less oxidative damage to the skin. We’ve made a potent, moisturizing vitamin C serum here at Designer Drugs and we're really excited to share it with you.

We currently carry a variety of LaRoche skincare products and will soon be announcing our very own Designer Drugs skincare line! Come in and check out our selection.

Written by Tanya Manoni
Tanya Manoni is a Chattanooga-native but earned her BS in chemistry and PharmD at the University of Utah. She brings with her years of experience in compounding and pharmacy corporate management. Tanya's professional interests include not only BHRT, women’s health, and dermatology, but also nutrition and fitness, in which she became interested while playing NCAA Division I college soccer.


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